Please use the form below to contact us via email.
Please use the form below to contact us via email.
Our approach to securing top dollar for note sellers is unique to the industry. We not only evaluate every note for our own portfolio, but we immediately present it to a select group of independent investors with whom we work on a daily basis.
This process works directly to the advantage of the note seller. In a typical grouping of buyer bids, several will cluster in the middle, one or two will be lower, and one or two will be higher. This is exactly what we want - to foster competition and get the highest possible price for your note.
To understand 1) your options of selling all or part of your note, 2) note pricing and how much you can get for your note, and 3) steps involved with selling your note, simply go to the links below.
Preferred Note Investors | 704-490-1757 | larry@preferrednoteinvestors.com